Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Here's Mother when she was just a wee one holding her dollie. I love those shoes. Wait a minute, I think she has the same stumpy legs I do. Also, love the wild hairdo.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009 - It's only 4 months until Christmas. Just a warning to all.

After the weekend, I sort of got out of the habit of writing in here every day. Yesterday afternoon, I chatted with Mother and she sounded great. Right now, she's in the rehab mode.

Quote from Mother: "It's an experience."

They wake her up every couple of hours in the night. When she got up yesterday for real at 7 a.m., she was finally was able to take a shower sitting on a chair. That felt good! Plus, she got her hair washed.

Once again, there was a debacle with her breakfast. Mother's request: No scrambled eggs and no cooked cereal. So, what did they bring her, an egg on a muffin and oatmeal. They were probably trying to disguise the egg by hiding it but it didn't work! She eventually got a plain muffin and Cheerios. Plus, coffee, juice and milk.

After she ate, she went down to the Physical Therapy room and did an hour of physical therapy (that's why it's called that!). There are a lot of people recuperating from other types of surgical procedures and other malfunctions of the human body trying to get back in shape. Quite a busy place. There seem to be a lot of 90 year olds there.

Then, Granny had Occupational Therapy. They gave her a grabber that grabs things, plus it has a magnet on it to pick up paper clips and other metal stuff -- maybe she can go to the beach and pick up loose change! Anyway, it's very cool. She was also introduced to a device that helps to pull on her socks. She also liked that.

The final object was called a leg lifter. It's a long device with a circular circle on the end which the patient puts under their arch in order to move their own leg when no one is around. At this point, her muscles haven't gotten their strength back yet so its use is temporary.

They also give her a shot in the stomach with a coumadin-like drug to prevent clots. Diane had that when she was in the hospital with her problems a few years ago. Why the stomach, we don't know. I'm sure you do. haha

That's all for now. Have to get my skedaddling shoes on. see ya, djb

1 comment:

Diane Berg said...

Tuesday 4:45pm - It has been 1 week since surgery. Just talked to Mother and she sounded great, in good spirits. She had a busy PT and OT day plus some outside visitors. Daddy is there but going home soon to east his Ham and beans that I made in the crock pot. I can't go tonight but I am heading there tommorrow after work.