Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Here's one of my syringes that are filled with serum tears.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012 - After the storm battered us yesterday morning, we still had electricity.  I did thank God for that!

However, at 11:11 a.m., the electricity went OUT -- no warning.  It seems that everyone else around us had no electricity and we were turned off so that they could fix the problem for EVERYONE.

I was panic-stricken because the serum tears HAVE TO remain frozen.  Thankfully, the electricity went back on after a couple of hours and I'm looking at a new plan where I freeze each syringe individually in a baggie so that if we do lose power again, I'll have a larger frozen window of opportunity.

And, I have to do it soon, because it looks like we're getting another storm tonight.  Okay, must go back and continue mowing the yard because there are leaves everywhere!!!  It's a HUGE mess.  later, djb 

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