It might be a little hard to see, but there are TONS of hoof prints all over the front yard!
Saturday, January 29, 2011 - Last week, early one morning, I looked out the front window and saw a doe standing quietly and serenely at the bird feeder eating bird seed.
It was 4:14 a.m. Too dark to take a photo. But it's etched in my brain forever. Simply and sweetly beautiful. After a time, she slowly walked away toward the woods.
In the morning, I noted that there were only two sets of prints in the yard. One set where she came in to the feeder and the other set where she left.
Apparently, she's QUITE a blabbermouth because when I looked out this morning, the first thing I noticed was that the feeders were almost empty. The other day, they were full....
Hmmm. Then, I saw all the hoof prints all over the place in the front yard. Coming and going in every direction. It was cool to see. I tried to capture the brouhaha in the picture above.
WOW! Too bad I wasn't awake to see that party! later, djb