Friday, April 1, 2011

To the left of the flowering crab tree and proceeding all the way to the honeysuckle bushes at the opposite end of the yard is where the destruction occurred. (the above photo is from many years ago.)
Friday, April 1, 2011 - April Fool's Day!!!

This is not an April Fool's joke.... Much to my horror and dismay, those nasty moles made a tunnel inside the trench that was dug in the yard where the cable for the TV and the internet was buried last summer. They didn't bother the telephone trench - that has remained intact....for now.

Seriously? yeah.

Not only that but there are off-ramps from the main cable freeway that go in many directions around the yard. It is absolutely hysterical that those little moles were out there tunneling to their heart's content.

Have you ever seen a mole? They are certainly God's ugliest creature.....ever!!! A few years ago, we found one in the pond out in the back yard - creepy, ugly and dead. I can't even imagine what purpose they serve. Kind of like mosquitoes.

All right. I'd better go out and get the papers before it rains or snows. It's supposed to be a yukky weather day. Of course, it'll be nothing like what they had in Florida for the past few days. Mini-hurricanes....yikes! see ya later, djb

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