Friday, October 23, 2009

Here's a picture of Grandpa in the garage taking a break after laying some sod in the front yard. It was taken by Mother so this is proof that she is out and about.
Friday, October 23, 2009 - I'm not sure why I haven't written any updates in here for such a long time. Could be that the medication I'm taking renders me berserk? Yeah, whatever (most annoying word ever!!).

On Wednesday, Mother went to see her doctor for a checkup on her knee. According to the doc, she's doing fine. However, she feels that the knee isn't bending enough in her estimation. So, the doctor pushed on it and said, "here, how's this?" Well, OUCH!!! is how that went.

Mother's comment was that she's not tough enough for the next phase of her rehab. Personally, I think she's pretty darn tough to have gone through it at all. The doctor said that the next step would be painful if she wants to get it beyond 100. (That's some sort of magical number they use in knee rehab.)

Anyway, she's going back to water aerobics on Monday and that should help a lot. Just being in the water, surrounded by her chatty chums will be the perfect medicine. Plus, moving around and exercising should make her feel much better, too.

This is it for now. Talk to you later, djb

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