Here's the picture that I was trying to put in on the bottom of the page, but it popped up here. It looks kind of weird, but it is the swimming pool under a few inches of snow. Looks like winter has returned. oh boy!
This is Jarrett, me and Andrew at Aunt Gladys and Uncle Malvin's 50th Wedding Anniversary party in DeKalb - February 1990. We had a huge snowstorm the night that Bergs flew up from Florida. They drove to our house in North Aurora from the airport and it was a WILD drive as I recall.
I just went into my picture file and put in the first picture I saw - it's this one today. Since it's so easy to update this website, I'm sure I'll be back on here later. If, for some reason, I can't get my back on Yahoo, I'll put it somewhere else. Or maybe "they" think I should stop doing it and put my time into other endeavors. Quien sabe?
When I see that jacket I'm wearing in the picture above, it looks BLUE. But it always looked purple to me. I think that's very weird. When Andrew was really young, I thought he was color-blind because he would tell me that red was green and green was red. You can only imagine me asking him a million times what color is this - what color is that. Somewhere along the line, I heard that boys were more prone to that than girls.
The days before the internet were filled with a lot of speculation fueled by inaccurate information. Now, we just do a Google and Bingo! we know at least 1,000,000 ways to do anything. It is quite astounding. So much information - and it's all true!!!!! hahaha
Isn't it interesting that the idea for the internet was THERE all the time but it took some smart guys to figure it out and pluck it out of the ozone, and then it slowly oozed its way into our everyday lives. Same thing with the cell phones. Some day, people will just have them implanted in their heads so they don't ever have to worry about losing them. THAT'S how SMALL they'll be. Seriously, it'll happen. Wait and see.
What's nice about this website is that I don't have to move anything around. Kind of fun. BUT the one bad thing - NO MUSIC. Too bad, so sad.
Let me see if I can pop another picture in here. It went to the top. It's a picture of the snow-covered swimming pool. Well, I'm just going to have to figure this out later. Need more's early and I totally love the smell of coffee in the morning. Have a wonderful day!! bye, bye, djb
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