Thursday, December 24, 2009

Here's Jarrett's happy little white pine tree on 12/22/2009 -- it was snow-covered but was still looked good, like a tree in winter should.

Here's Jarrett's sad little white pine tree this morning -- saggy, droopy, totally ice-covered. Yikes! Holy ice storm, Batman!
Saturday, December 24, 2009 - I took these pictures from the window in the garage so I have pretty much the same perspective. The ice that covered all of the trees is solid. It is not moving. It kind of like an insect being encased in amber although the will eventually melt.

It's so beautiful and so destructive. The last time I heard, the temperature was 33 degrees. This will all be gone soon. However, the weather is going to be replaced by 40 mph winds and 2 inches of rain. Hola el nino, como estas?

see ya later, djb

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