Friday, December 31, 2010

Jarrett's 6th birthday party on New Year's Eve (12/31/1994). Felix has his hand on Jarrett's head, then there's Ben, Jake and Andrew with Jon's arm around his shoulder.
Friday, December 21, 2010 - For many years, we had Jarrett's birthday party on New Year's Eve. With his real birthday being on January 3rd, he would have missed having a party because that was usually the day they went back to school.

It also let their parents go out and enjoy the evening while their kids were at our house going crazy, playing video games and having fun and eating a lot of junk food. Yum!!

Happy New Year's Eve Birthday Party Remembrance to Jarrett! miss you, mom

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

You can see Andrew and Jarrett's candles in the midst of the frozen frosted foliage caused by the freezing fog!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010 - These pictures are awesome! I'm kind of waiting to see if the sun will come out in a little bit so I can get some more panoramic photos with the brightness of the sun shining on the frosty branches.

I used BOTH cameras to take pictures - the ones from the Canon are the most detailed. By the time I finished, my fingers were frozen because it was only 10 degrees outside. Brrrrrrrrr

When I dragged the garbage can and recylables out to the road, I realized that this was a photo op from God. And I gladly accepted the opportunity presented to me.

snow ya later, djb

Friday, December 24, 2010

Here's the snow on the slide at 10:35 a.m. this morning. Look out below!

Here's the slide at 12:55 p.m. this afternoon. Suspended in space.
Friday, Christmas Eve, December 24, 2010 - So, we're getting the snow that they said "might" come down today. It looks like about 2 - 3 inches or so. It makes me very nervous because I'm not sure how the roads are going to be driving into Aurora.

Bob had to work this morning....and he's not home yet. It's getting close to 2 p.m. Hopefully, a person will be able to drive in the snow...

HURRAY! Bob just got home and he said that although the roads are slushy and snowy, they are driveable. (is that a word?)

Okay, gotta go. Ho ho ho. djb

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Here's the foggy view in the back yard (near the boys' pond garden) looking toward Elburn at around 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010 - Not only did we get 6 inches of snow, we now have FOG. oh boy....and not a good oh boy.

I just remember that I didn't put anything in here about the full moon, the lunar eclipse and the winter solstice, so I'm going to do that now.

Dec. 21, 2010 - 3:13 a.m. EST -- Full Cold Moon. On occasion, this moon was also called the Moon before Yule. December is also the month the winter cold fastens its grip. Sometimes this moon is referred to as the Full Long Nights Moon and the term "Long Night" Moon is a very appropriate name because the nights are now indeed long and the Moon is above the horizon a long time. This particular full moon makes its highest arc across the sky because it's diametrically opposite to the low Sun. In fact, the moment of the Winter Solstice comes just over 15 hours after this full moon, at 6:38 p.m. EST.

Last, but certainly not least, this will also be the night (that was earlier this morning - couldn't see it because of the snow and clouds) of a Total Lunar Eclipse. North Americans will have a ringside seat for this event (totality will last 73-minutes) and, depending on your location, will take place either during the middle of the night or during the predawn hours. Observers in Western Europe and western Africa will see the opening stages of the eclipse before the Moon sets; South Americans will see the Moon set either during the total phase or as the Moon emerges from the shadow. At mid-eclipse, the Moon will appear almost directly overhead for observers in southern California and Baja Mexico.

from website

talk to you later, djb

This is the view out the kitchen window at around 6:51 a.m. this morning. My three little Christmas trees, the boys candles and the Nativity scene at Bud and Rose's house.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010 - In the close-up view of this photo, you can clearly see the Nativity scene. It is completely and totally awesome! I was stunned to realize that I could see it from so far away. And no, I'm not a stalker.

The nice thing about this weather system is that it is relatively warmer here. Way up in the 20's instead of the zeros.

snow ya later, djb

Monday, December 20, 2010

Here's how the driveway looked at around 4:15 this afternoon.
Monday, December 20, 2010 - It's that really fine, light snow that's been snowing all afternoon. I call it sneaky snow.

Bob said the tollway was very slow. He didn't have too many problems until he got down by Blackberry Inn and encountered icy conditions. Then, when he drove up the hill on Smith Road, he had some problems.

It only took him about an hour and 15 minutes to get home. Usually, it takes about 30 minutes. At least, everyone HAS TO go slow. The speeders are probably all having mental breakdowns. haha!

I'd better go watch the Chicago Bears play the Minnesota Vikings in the Ice Bowl. Brrrrrrrrrrrr ya later, djb

Monday, December 13, 2010

This was the last picture I took of the winds blowing. It looks like the one on my blogger blog but it isn't!
Monday, December 13, 2010 - If you look at the bird feeder on the right in this picture, the top is on the top side.

In my blogger blog, the top is upside down! oh yeah! How are the birdies supposed to eat that way??

It is SO cold everywhere. When I got up, it was 4 degrees. It's even going down below freezing in Florida tonight. Well, at least they don't have *snow* down there.....yet!!!

brrr ya later, djb

Friday, December 10, 2010

Here's the driveway after I shoveled it but it didn't melt much because Howard's gigantic evergreen trees are shading the majority of it.
Friday, December 10, 2010 - While we were down at Blackberry Inn last night, it started snowing. I'd say it snowed about 2 and a half inches. It was quite fierce for a while.

I went out and started shoveling right a noon and got done at 1:45 without stopping at all. If I had stopped, I would've died. I did take a few minute break at the end of the driveway to talk to our neighbor, Steve. He was right at the end of his driveway.

We lamented the fact that we were shoveling snow instead of mowing GRASS. haha Way easier.

In the next few days, we're supposed to be getting up to four inches of snow and 40 mile per hour winds. The fun never stops!!! snow ya later, djb

Thursday, December 9, 2010

This was the sunrise this morning at 6:58 a.m. It just lasted for a few minutes. Love the pinkish hues.
Thursday, December 9, 2010 - Yesterday afternoon, I packed my car with the stuff I was planning to bring into the Goodwill store in Batavia [including some of Andrew and Jarrett's TMNT (teenage mutant ninja turtles)] and decided that I'd better make an appointment for today to get the pressure in my eye checked.

I had been feeling some minor, intermittent pain around my right eye. Wasn't exactly sure why?? That's why I go to see the ophthamologists, eh.

Well, when I mentioned the problem to the receptionist at Wheaton Eye Clinic, she said that I HAD TO come in now -- not tomorrow. Okay. And thankfully, Dr. Lee was there.

I just realized that I'm writing this on Andrew and Jarrett's blog when it should be on my blog. Okay, so the rest of the story will be written over on my blog. see ya later, djb

P.S. The reason put that picture on their blog is because it has their candles in it.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Merry Christmas - Happy Frozen Toes and Nose and Everything else. Remember to bundle up!
Monday, December 6, 2010 - Last night, when I was talking to Mother, I did the temperature check comparison that we always do. It was 11 degrees here at our house. Can't remember exactly what it was in Casselberry, but it was definitely warmer than here.

The above picture was taken this morning. Hey, I even have proof! At least, it wasn't 58 degrees in the house. For some reason, that extra degree seems a lot colder.

Supposed to get up to 22 degrees today. We went from fall to winter in one fell swoop. freeze ya later, djb

Friday, December 3, 2010

Here's the big branch that fell off one of the evergreen trees. It's about 20 feet long so I couldn't get the whole thing in the picture.

Here's the hose that has frozen water in it (hmmm would that be considered ice?). Once I get it thawed out, I'll be able to wrap it up tight and put it in the shed.
Friday, December 3, 2010 - When I went to save big money at Menard's yesterday, I checked out their wreaths. UGLY, very flat and quite dry looking. Seriously, I can make one that will look 100% better for Zero dollars and Zero cents.

After seeing them, I realized that my dead branch looked better than what they were trying to sell. Embarrassing. And no one was buying them either. Their poinsettias looked sad. :(

Oh...I just reminded myself of one more thing I have to do. Get a fake poinsettia to put next to the Nativity set and Christmas tree. Last year, I got one at Walgreen's in Elburn. It was okay but I thought the price was a tad high.

Time to go do some stuff. sn*w ya later, djb

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Here's a look at the SNOW that we got this morning. WOW! And it's also very, very cold!!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010 - Winter is here. This afternoon, I put away the last of my flower pots. No wait, there's one left out there. I have to dump it in the burn pile.

It is SO COLD. Sometimes, you just don't see things that are right there in front of your face. Like the hose. Early last week, I did unscrew it from the faucet but I didn't wrap it up because I was going to use it one. more. time. HAHA!!

Now, it's in the garage thawing out so I can re-wrap it and then put it in the shed with Juanita and the snow blower. BRRR

snow ya later, djb