Thursday, June 25, 2009

Chad in an underwater photo from many years ago - maybe it was 10-12 years ago. Loved those underwater cameras!!

Chad in our pool yesterday (June 24th) enjoying the sun - but he didn't go underwater this time.
Thursday, June 25, 2009 - I had to put these pictures of Chad in here. First, I put in the one from yesterday and then I thought, "hmmm, don't I have one of him from the good old days?" And sure enough, I did.

Somewhere, I also have one of the three of them underwater -- Andrew, Chad and Jarrett. They loved being in the pool in the summertime. We still have Shamu here. Someone has to use the electric pump and blow him up. He belongs out there. I wonder WHO is going to do that?

Okay, now I really have to go. bye, djb

Monday, June 22, 2009

Whenever I see two flowers growing/blooming close together, it touches me deeply and reminds me of Andrew and Jarrett - forever in my heart.
Monday, June 22, 2009 - Last night, right before I turned off the computer, I checked Tommy Skilling's weather map. Yikes!!! There was a small, but nasty-looking band of clouds headed toward us. So, I had to go outside and put the umbrella in the "down" position. Plus, I moved a couple of plants off the deck so they wouldn't get blown away.....just in case.

During the night (actually around 3 or 4 a.m.), there was thunder, some lightning and MORE rain. Just what we needed... not!!! We've had record rains this can stop any time!

When Bob drove over to Rochelle yesterday to visit his mom and dad's grave in honor of Father's Day, he noticed that they had a LOT more standing rain in the fields than we did here. And I forgot to give Grandpa the "Corn Report" yesterday when I called.

Hey Grandpa, "The corn is short." Really, really short. I'm going to go back and find that picture of Diane standing next to Bob Smith's corn two years ago when she came to visit us on the 4th of July. This year, the corn that's out there might reach her ankle. Sad to see it.

We've both noticed more fallow fields than we can ever remember. It's very creepy, and it's certainly not right. Everyone is worried about the SWEET CORN situation -- by everyone, I mean ME. haha

Better go. Want to take a picture of the haziness outside. Plus, I'm having a daylily and Asian lily explosion of flowers today. They think that they've been transported to a greenhouse because of the heat and humidity. oh boy! Are we in Florida? haha

bye bye. see ya later, djb

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Here's how the honeysuckle bushes looked four years ago (2005). They have since gotten too tall and weedy looking. They were in desperate need of a trim.
Saturday, June 20, 2009 - The FIRST day of summer!! Hurray!!! Luis is here this morning, trimming the honeysuckle bushes. They were out of control for quite a while. Our neighbor, Ron, had him trim a few of them up toward the road and it made a HUGE difference. We might even be able to see the lake.

We didn't get any of the bad stormage yesterday. Thank God, it all went around us. However, I was prepared for the worst. Moved all the plants and had my helmet ready at all times. Whew!

Okie dokie, I have to go and check on the trimming situation. See ya later, djb

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Here's Jarrett and Andrew sometime around 2000. I couldn't find a photo of Jarrett wearing his helmet but this picture shows him wearing a yellow Nike shirt and of course, Andrew is wearing the requisite grey Nike shirt. It's almost like they HAD TO WEAR NIKE or else....
Thursday, June 18, 2009 - Somewhere in my vast archives, I have a photo of Jarrett wearing his yellow helmet. Or at least, I think I do -- hmmm. It is possible that I don't. He didn't always wear the helmet while he was inline skating, as it was generally reserved for his break dancing practice. I wonder how long he would've kept that up if his life hadn't been interrupted by his death?? Interesting question.

I'm writing this blogger AFTER the other one because I don't want to forget to remember to be prepared for the SEVERE weather. It seems as though we have more severe weather than serene weather. Maybe we all need to concentrate on peaceful thoughts.

I still blame the bad weather on corruption. Think about it -- the hot air, the lies, the bad vibrations emanating into the atmosphere. For some reason, I keep imagining these corrupt politicians having to meet their Maker. How do they explain their evil deeds? hmmm I don't think God accepts the excuse, "everyone is doing it." No, he's like a mom in that respect.

Now, I have to go and take care of business. see ya later. Enjoy your day, djb

P.S. When I went upstairs, I turned on the Weather Channel and heard those dreaded words: Ring of Fire. We are situated in SEVERE WEATHER for later today because of the RING OF FIRE. That is freaking scary. Yes, I went up and got Jarrett's yellow helmet. Wow. I do NOT like this at all.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Here we are posing on the steps at Grandpa & Grandma Berg's house on the farm. Top row: Alan, Granny with Ron in front of her and Grandpa; bottom row: Dennis, Donna holding baby Diane and Steve

Monday, June 15, 2009 - It was supposed to be sunny today, but it's slightly overcast, although it is warm so I won't complain. I do have to go outside and mow the lawn before it rains again.

When this picture was taken, Howard was in the Army in Korea....or maybe some other place in the states but he had joined the Army so who knows exactly WHERE he was?

I've totally confused myself by saying that this blog is about Andrew and Jarrett because I'm putting BERG pictures on here, but I'm making this up as I go along.

Gotta go mow. See ya later, djb

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Here's BIG Donna playing cards with Andrew, Grandpa and Jarrett. Diane's sitting in the recliner to make sure no one cheats. Question: What's that card doing in my hat??
Sunday, June 14, 2009 - When we were in Florida this past Christmas, I borrowed this picture because it shows how puffed up I was when I was really sick with ITP -- which I got when the boys were 9 and 7. Plus, it reminds me of how much fun we used to have when Andrew and Jarrett were alive. They loved to play cards. We'd often use the poker chips because it made it more fun. Of course, Grandpa (the card shark) taught them how to REALLY play cards. I've always been more of poser. haha

Back to work. see ya later, djb

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Here we are: front: Denny & Avis, Bob holding Jarrett, me next to them and then Veralee; middle row: Grandpa, Jason, Ron, Liz and Gayla; back row: Granny, Alan, Diane, Howard holding Andrew and Irene next to him. The gang was all here for Ron and Liz's wedding (September 1988).

Thursday, June 11, 2009 - When I saw that picture of all of us, I had to put it in here. WOW! That was 21 years ago this September. Jarrett was only 6 months old. Irene and Howard had left Patrick home with his Grandma Ceo, I think. That is a LONG time in the past and my memory isn't what it used to be. But I do know how hard it was for Irene to be away from Patrick when he was so young.

It's 2:22 p.m. and it looks like the sun is starting to come out. Can it be true??? I'd better get outside and take care of my outdoor business. Chat with you later. bye, djb