Here's Jarrett and Andrew sometime around 2000. I couldn't find a photo of Jarrett wearing his helmet but this picture shows him wearing a yellow Nike shirt and of course, Andrew is wearing the requisite grey Nike shirt. It's almost like they HAD TO WEAR NIKE or else....
Thursday, June 18, 2009 - Somewhere in my vast archives, I have a photo of Jarrett wearing his yellow helmet. Or at least, I think I do -- hmmm. It is possible that I don't. He didn't always wear the helmet while he was inline skating, as it was generally reserved for his break dancing practice. I wonder how long he would've kept that up if his life hadn't been interrupted by his death?? Interesting question.
I'm writing this blogger AFTER the other one because I don't want to forget to remember to be prepared for the SEVERE weather. It seems as though we have more severe weather than serene weather. Maybe we all need to concentrate on peaceful thoughts.
I still blame the bad weather on corruption. Think about it -- the hot air, the lies, the bad vibrations emanating into the atmosphere. For some reason, I keep imagining these corrupt politicians having to meet their Maker. How do they explain their evil deeds? hmmm I don't think God accepts the excuse, "everyone is doing it." No, he's like a mom in that respect.
Now, I have to go and take care of business. see ya later. Enjoy your day, djb
P.S. When I went upstairs, I turned on the Weather Channel and heard those dreaded words: Ring of Fire. We are situated in SEVERE WEATHER for later today because of the RING OF FIRE. That is freaking scary. Yes, I went up and got Jarrett's yellow helmet. Wow. I do NOT like this at all.
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