Saturday, January 30, 2010

Here's the view out front at 6:48 a.m CST this morning. It was just starting to snow a little bit.

Here's the view out front at 7:07 a.m. CST this morning. It was snowing a little bit harder but it's difficult to see the individual flakes in this picture, but I saw them in person.
Saturday, January 30, 2010 - By the time this weekend is over, it'll be February. Seriously, can you believe that?! January is supposed to be the longest month. It went by so fast, I think my head is spinning -- unless that's just the buzz I get from too many platelets. haha

After I had the situation last night where I couldn't drive when I wanted to because I can't see very well at night, I decided that I'd better get into the optician in Wheaton and get some glasses. This is ridiculous.

Plus, I still remember how well I could actually SEE for the first time in a long time when she put the lenses in that contraption. Too bad I can't wear contacts. Whenever I think of contacts, I always remember Jarrett sitting in the chair at the eye doctor's office and having a vasovagal response to having the lenses put on his eyes. That was so weird. But he eventually got over it and wore contacts the next year.

I'd better go do something productive. Not sure what that might be but it will likely involve going into the crawl space and putting the Christmas decorations away. If I ever built a house, I would NEVER have a crawl space. In fact, I always apologize to any of the guys who have to go in there. It's a real crazy idea. Why would anyone want to crawl around in a confined space???

snow ya later, djb

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