Mother as a youngster - The Scream!!!!!!!!!!!!!---------------------------------------------------------------------
Thursday, August 27, 2009 - On Tuesday
(Aug 25), Granny and I played phone tag for a few hours but finally were able to chat. My own problem started early in the day when my right eye was acting foggy and weird so I took the diamox
(which makes me feel goofy), then I went in to see the doc. When I came back, Elliot and I worked on moving some mulch.
(That's the back story.)Anywho, when Granny and I finally talked, she told me that her rehab was progressing along quite nicely. She spent an hour in physical therapy
(which she calls PT) and an hour in occupational therapy
(which is OT). She spent two hours with her knee in the CPM
(continuous passive motion) device slowly moving her knee, continuously and passively.
One of the times I called her was right when they were just bringing in her dinner. She said, "I'll call you back because this looks pretty good. I think I can eat this." haha So, they finally found something that Mother likes. That's pretty sweet.
In the afternoon, a couple from St. Augustine's
(can't remember their names) came in to visit. Also, their neighbors and fellow water aerobics participants, Ray and Pat, stopped by. Plus, one of the other neighbors had called and left a message. There were also cards that people had dropped by or sent that Grandpa was going to bring in later. Very busy day.
(Wed, August 26), Mother pretty much kept to the same schedule. But she actually walked down the hall using the walker. They haven't let her have possession of one in her room yet. That will come at a later time -- something to work for.
Right now, they're very pleased with her progress. It's a one day at a time situation to getting stronger and closer to the ability to maneuver on her own. Then, she'll bust out of the joint.
At first, she didn't really want to go to the Rehab Center. Now, I think, she's glad to be there. They know what they're doing and they're very nice.
Plus, Grandpa can take the back roads to get over there
(a time-honored Berg tradition). If I'm failing to mention that both Grandpa and Diane are over there a lot, it's just an oversight. Oftentimes, they pass each other in the parking lot as one is going in and one is going out. haha
That's it for now. I'll let you know what's going on unless I have a complete collapse myself. later, djb